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The Osowiec Stronghold


Тип блока:
- Polscy obywatele: należy posiadać ważny dokument tożsamości Zagraniczni turyści: dokument tożsamości i pozwolenie od właściwego organu wojskowego w Warszawie

Alongside the Augustów Canal, the Osowiec Stronghold is the most precious history monument in the Biebrza National Park.

Built in late 19th c., the stronghold was the core element the fortification complex guarding the western borders of the Russian Empire. Originally built of bricks and stone, the stronghold was reinforced with concrete during modernisation works held at the beginning of 20th c. During World War I, in 1915, the fortress stood three German sieges including a battle gas attack, which gained it a reputation similar to that of the Battle of Verdun in 1916. In 1998, the Osowiec Stronghold was put on the National Heritage Register. Nowadays, the buildings of the Central Fort house the Museum of Osowiec Stronghold. The Osowiec Fortification Society offers guided group tours of the fortress and museum.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Osowiec Twierdza
19-110 Bagno
провинция: PODLASKIE
Широта и долгота: 53.473556,22.658833
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