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Town hall in Przeworsk

Main entrance of the town hall is embellished with portal showing the town’s crest. Formerly the town hall housed assessors and village mayors court and also a municipality

Main entrance of the town hall is embellished with portal showing the town’s crest. Formerly the town hall housed assessors and village mayors court and also a municipality. In the basement there was located a prison. Later it housed also male and female schools. Currently in the town hall there are located: coffee house called Ratuszowa , wedding salon of the Registry Office, Euroregional Tourist Information Centre and Consultative Office of Lezajsk Development Association. Near the building there are situated two monuments: one of them depicts the king Wladyslaw Jagiello, the next one depicts Adam Mickiewicz. This monument is located on the Adam Mickiewicz Square (also called Small Town Square or St. Catherine Square). Formerly the square served as a market place.

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Jagiellońska 10
37-200 Przeworsk
Широта и долгота: 50.0587,22.4938
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