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Trail of the Eagles’ Nests


Тип тропа
- Байдарочный
Длина следа
- 154 km


Związek Gmin Jurajskich
Plac Wolności 42
42-440 Ogrodzieniec
провинция: ŚLĄSKIE

Owes its name to the castles and strongholds that can be found along its route that are perched atop high cliffs, like eagles’ nests

The Jura Region between Krakow and Czestochowa is a varied landscape of outstanding natural beauty and rich in historical monuments. They are made easier to explore by numerous tourist trails that can be taken on foot, by bike or by car. They are of different lengths and degrees of difficulty to suite all abilities. This terrain, which is not that well known, also has several attractive waterways. One of the most well known and popular hiking trails in Poland is certainly the “Trail of the Eagles’ Nests” in the Jura Region. It is nearly 154km long and runs from Krakow to Czestochowa. Taking the trail on foot, horseback or by bicycle tourists can get to know most of the strongholds and watchtowers found here among them Wasasz, Ogrodzieniec, Pieskowa Skala and Ojcow. It is from these castles that the trail took its name – because these buildings are situated on high cliffs, like an eagle’s nest. Apart from the castle ruins on the trail there are many other attractions which include a desert, a ski-lift in Morsko, the very popular Kroczyce Rocks, which are a centre for sport climbing, and finally the Ojcow National Park. Jura Tourist Organisation – Zawiercie (woj. Slaskie) www.jurajska.org.pl

localization-imgСхема проезда:

Wolnosci place 42
42-440 Ogrodzieniec
провинция: ŚLĄSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.45125,19.5190299999999
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