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Wisloujscie Fortress in Gdansk


Тип блока:

A fortification built after the liberation of Gdansk from under the rule of the Teutonic Order.

In the immediate vicinity of the Westerplatte Peninsula, the Wisloujscie Fortress is a unique example of the art of fortification. The name is derived from the time when the estuary of the River Vistula was directly to the north of the fortress. This was a strategically important position as the movement of shipping entering and leaving the port of Gdansk could be controlled. This important position was recognised quite early, probably during the time of the Pomeranian princes.

The first fortification was built after the liberation of Gdansk from under the rule of the Teutonic Knights (1308-1454). In 1482 a brick cylindrical tower was built for defensive purposes and to serve as a lighthouse. Then, during the war between Poland and the Teutonic Knights from 1518 to 1521 further fortifications were added and over the next decade the whole structure grew into the Wisloujscie Fortress.

At the time of the popularity of bastion fortresses, similar fortifications were built here also. Ultimately the Wisloujscie Fortress lost its military significance during World War I and was seriously damaged during the last war. Currently the fortress is open to the public.

Museum of History of the City of Gdansk (woj. Pomorskie)


localization-imgСхема проезда:

Stara Twierdza street 1
80-551 Gdańsk
провинция: POMORSKIE
Широта и долгота: 54.3956917,18.6800726
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