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“Czarrny Pstrag” Adit in Tarnowskie Gory


Тип блока:

Whilst taking a boat through some of the 150 kilometres of this underground labyrinth, the presence of many of trout can be seen which is gives this unique adit its name.

The “Czarny Pstrag” adit is part of the Historic Silver Mine complex. The section opened to the public in 1957 is part of the drainage system of the mine, which together with the mining tunnels creates a veritable underground labyrinth of about 150km in total.

The tourist trail is located between two mine shafts. Entrance and exit is by two drainage shafts “Ewa” and “Sylwester”. Through the “Ewa” shaft the stairs descend to a depth of 20m. Here in the depths, boats with guides await the tourists and while steering, tell stories of the secrets of undergrounds of the Tarnowskie Gory. Part of the visit to the adit is the crossing by boat of this 600m section, known as the “Deep Fryderyk Adit”, excavated between 1821 and 1834; it is the longest drainage shaft in all the Tarnowskie Gory mine systems.

In the lowest reaches of the adit, along with the wonderful scenery there is also a mystery. In the flickering glow of carbide lamps swimming trout can be spotted, which due to the lighting appear black – hence the name of this trail. There is a specific microclimate of high humidity and with a constant air temperature of 10°C.

The Historical Silver Mine – Tarnowskie Gory (woj. Slaskie)



localization-imgСхема проезда:

Szczęść Boże street 81
Tarnowskie Góry
провинция: ŚLĄSKIE
Широта и долгота: 50.4358492,18.8073759
Система мгновенных сообщенийFB: Zabytkowa Kopalnia Srebra w Tarnowskich Górach
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